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Join us in the 3rd Annual Community Banquet

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Join us in the Bronx River Alliance’s 3rd Community Banquet! 

We’re seeking NYC based foragers, chefs, educators, herbalists, and stewards of the land to partner with us for this special event on Saturday, November 2nd from 12-4pm, at Concrete Plant Park. The Community Banquet is a grassroots tradition that highlights the plants and people of the Bronx River. We’re excited to invite partners to share back lessons learned from the season that reconnect people back to the land. These can include FREE food + drink tastings, herbalism, educational workshops, art, music, and more.

Excited to learn more and get involved?  Consider becoming a Partner HERE. Wanting to support, but not necessarily wanting to host a table? Consider being a Volunteer HERE.

Check out BronxNet’s Coverage of 2022’s Community Banquet Event, HERE.

For questions or concerns, email Nathan Hunter at Foodway@bronxriver.org or by calling 718-542-4124.



About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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