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NY Times Tells Story of Why We Must Bridge the Gap on the Bronx River Greenway


A Long-Closed Park Is Soon to Reopen, Improved Yet Still Hard to Reach. By David Gonzalez. December 28, 2012

Sign the petition to Bridge the Gap on the Bronx River Greenway! 

All David Shuffler wanted to do when he was 14 years old was play basketball on the street and go to Starlight Park – which despite its name was a dimly lighted, dusty sliver tucked between the Bronx River and the Sheridan Expressway.

A lot has happened since that time. The park, thanks to the work of grass-roots groups and New York City and State agencies, has been remade into a green gem and will soon reopen after more than a decade. It’s part of a trail known as the Bronx River Greenway, which was designed to connect the tip of the South Bronx and the shaded, grassy parks up in Westchester County, with parks, pedestrian bridges and bike paths along the way.

And some things haven’t changed. Mr. Shuffler, 33, still lives in his childhood home. And it’s still a hard trek getting to the park. Read the complete story here.


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The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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