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Board Formation

The Board of the Alliance has been designed to embody the dynamic and representative qualities of the Bronx River Working Group while providing a structure through which to grow and sustain this effort to restore the Bronx River.

Composition of the Board

The Board will consist of a total of 25 voting board members. Two individuals will be nominated to serve on the board by each of the Education, Ecology, and Greenway and Outreach teams, for a total of 8 members nominated by the Alliance teams. Up to 17 additional voting board members may be selected by a two-thirds vote by the Board. The additional members will include members who can contribute, among other things, community leadership, geographic representation, and fundraising abilities. In addition, the Board will seek representation from educational institutions, cultural institutions, banking- finance sector, foundations, philanthropists, corporations/businesses, and developers.

The Board will consist of non-voting ex-officio members to include the designees of The Bronx Borough President, the Commissioner of the City of New York/Parks & Recreation and the New York City Council Members representing the districts directly adjacent to the river.

Role of the Board:

  1. To formulate organizational policy
  2. To fundraise for priorities identified and prioritized by the Teams
  3. To approve and adopt the annual budget
  4. To elect Board officers and the Board Nominating Committee
  5. To appoint and periodically evaluate the performance of the Executive Director/Administrator in consultation with the Commissioner of the City of New York / Parks & Recreation
  6. To review, evaluate and report on the activities of the Corporation annually

Board Members Must:

  1. Make a commitment to our mission, goals and values
  2. Possess the ability to make decisions and bring resources
  3. Attend regular meetings of the board

Structure of the Board

There shall be four officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board will have six standing committees and teams including: The Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, Restoration and Management Team, Education Team, Greenway Team and Outreach Team.