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Upcoming Event

Conversation with Founders of the Bronx River Foodway

Event Details

Bronx River House (1490 Sheridan Blvd)
Start Time
End Time

Join us for a conversation with some of the founders of the Bronx River Foodway, NYC Park’s first edible food forest inside a city park. Hear from Journei Bimwala, Mary Mattingly, Dariella Rodriguez, Leenda Bonilla, and Liam Kavanagh as they share the origin story of this beloved project. Learn what has made the project successful in the founders eyes and where they see the project headed in the future.

This event will take place Friday April 12th in-person at Bronx River House (1490 Sheridan Blvd) and LIVE-streamed through the Bronx River Alliance Youtube Channel. Limited in-person seats are available! Register HERE to reserve a seat for attending in-person.

For questions and concerns, email Foodway@bronxriver.org or by calling 718-542-4124.