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FREE Community Soil Testing

Event Details

Shoelace Park (219th Street and Bronx Blvd)
Start Time
End Time

City soils can sometimes carry toxic metals like lead! Learn how to test for metals in soil and keep our community safe from contamination! Bring a sample from your garden or green space to learn the status of your soils. Stop by and grab a bag of FREE Compost to ammend your garden (while supplies lasts).

Meetup at Shoelace Park (219th street) from 2-5pm. For more information reach out to Nathan at Foodway@bronxriver.org or 718-542-4124.

How to prepare a soil sample for testing:

1. Dig a small amount of surface soil from 3- 5 areas in your garden, to create a “composite sample”.

2. Mix the soil sample, removing twigs, pebbles, or debris and transfer to plastic bag.

3. Bring sample to Shoelace Park May 20th from 2-5pm or June 4 at concrete plant park from 1- 3 pm.

Sampling Depth:

  1. Lawn/ Grass – 3-4″
  2. Vegetables – 6-8″
  3. Other plants – 6-8 “
  • Include surface soil!

For more information reach out to Nathan at Foodway@bronxriver.org or 718-542-4124.