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Upcoming Event

Mulchfest at River House

Event Details

Bronx River House (1490 Sheridan Blvd, Bronx)
Start Time
End Time

Put on your boots and haul your tree to a Mulchfest location near you — we’ll chip your tree into wood chips that we’ll use to nourish trees and make NYC even greener.

The Bronx River Alliance is excited to be a drop off site for your Christmas tree this season. Starting as early as December 26th, trees can be placed in the designated location adjacent to the parking lot at 1490 Sheridan Blvd. (see pic below). We will take them to our central chipping site to turn into mulch to spread in our parks.

For questions or concerns, contact Nathan.Hunter@parks.nyc.gov or by calling 7180542-4124 Nathan.Hunter@parks.nyc.gov or by calling 7180542-4124.