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Public Soil Testing Event

Event Details

Concrete Plant Park (1370 Westchester Ave)
Start Time
End Time

Join us at Concrete Plant Park as we offer free drop by soil testing. Bring a soil sample to have analyzed for toxic metals like lead using our XRF machine. Learn how to use this simple, yet powerful tool and how to keep yourself safe when gardening!

How to prepare a Soil Sample for testing:
1) Dig a small amount of surface soil from 3-5 areas in your garden, to create a “composite sample”.

2) Mix the soil sample, removing twigs, pebbles, or other debris and transfer a  small amount to plastic bag

3) Bring sample to an upcoming soil testing event or email foodway@bronxriver.org to drop off a sample in person at Bronx River House (1490 Sheridan Blvd)

Sampling Depth:

  • Lawn/grass – 3-4″
  • Vegetable Garden – 6-8″
  • Flower Garden – 6-8″

*include surface soil

For questions, email Nathan at foodway@bronxriver.org or by calling 718-542-4124