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Upcoming Event

Testify for Parks!

Event Details

City Hall (and via Zoom)
Start Time
End Time

We urgently need to fight to restore the $55 million cut to NYC parks and expand funding to 1% of the city budget for parks.

Join the Play Fair Coalition on Monday, May 20th at noon on City Hall steps to show your support for our parks ahead of the FY25 Parks Executive Budget hearing.

  • 12pm – Rally on City Hall Steps
  • 12:30pm – Executive Budget Hearing begins
  • 2pm – Public Testimony begins

If you can’t join in person, you can still testify in support of Parks!

  • Register to testify virtually no later than 24 hours before the hearing (testimony is limited to 2 minutes), OR
  • Submit written testimony up to 72 hours after the hearing has been closed.
  • To register or submit testimony, fill out all required fields and choose “Mon, May 20 @ 9:30 AM” from the “Select a hearing” drop down menu.

You can find more information, including budget asks and a testimony template, on the Play Fair campaign page.