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What is an Environmental Assessment, anyway?

Event Details

Virtual and In-person at Bronx River House (1490 Sheridan Blvd The Bronx, NY 10459)
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Join Save the Sound, the Bronx River Alliance, and Transportation Alternatives online or in-person to learn about environmental assessments!

Big construction projects often require an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS) under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

These are reports that describe a project, its potentially significant adverse environmental impacts, project alternatives, and methods to mitigate impacts. Whether State or Federal, the environmental review process must include multiple opportunities for public involvement. This is important because once construction is done, it is the community who will have to breathe the air or clean the water.

Join us in person or online to learn more about EAs & EISs, how to read them, and how you can engage in the process that comes after.Â