Come along for a tour of the Bronx River Foodway, an edible food forest located in Concrete Plant Park. Join Journei Bimwala, Artist and Residence at the Bronx River Foodway, as they introduce both familiar and unfamiliar plants growing at the Foodway. Learn the histories and uses behind the plants growing in your local parks. Registration is not required, but encouraged for better communication. For questions or concerns, email
Thursday, September 1st / 12noon
Thursday, September 1st / 6pm
Saturday, October 1st / 3pm – Register
Tuesday, October 4th / 12 noon – Register
Tuesday, October 4th / 5pm – Register
Saturday, November 5th / 3pm – Register
Tuesday, November 8th / 12 noon – Register
Tuesday, November 8th / 5pm – Register