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Bronx River Alliance joins the Unified Water Study!


This year, the Bronx River Alliance was invited to participate in the Unified Water Study, a collaborative research project studying the water quality of the Long Island Sound, launched by Save the Sound in 2017. Members of our Ecology and Recreation teams set out at first light from May to October to measure the water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen levels, water clarity, and chlorophyll-a levels at 6 sampling points in the East River and the lower Bronx River with a high-tech device called a sonde. This information should help us better understand summer conditions that cause fish kills and what we can do to help prevent them. We found healthier water quality levels this season than in the Western Narrows of the Sound, meaning our river can support the diverse fish and wildlife species we’re working hard to protect and restore. With the support of our amazing team, the incredible Save the Sound staff, and funding from the EPA, we’ll be able to gain more information again next year! To learn more about this program, please visit https://www.ctenvironment.org/unified-water-study.


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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