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Bronx River Alliance Makes Community Safer, Greener

East Tremont plan_ Bronx River Greenway_picture

Through the hard work and coordination of The Bronx River Alliance, Community Board 6′s Transportation Committee, Transportation Alternatives, and Boogie Down Rides, the Alliance is happy to announce that the East Tremont Ave, Devoe Ave, East 177th Street intersection will be made safer and greener for the Bronx community. You may remember a previous blog post, we showed you the dangers and community concern about this intersection. Boogie Down Rides and the Alliance produce a video which featured local community leaders and their concern of the lack of crosswalks.

The plan, includes an extension of the Bronx River Greenway from the Northern tip of Starlight park on 177th street along the Bronx River to the Southern side of East Tremont ave (outlined in green, below). It expands pedestrian walk ways and increases the number of crosswalks in the area.

“This project has been going on for years,” said Bronx River Alliance greenway coordinator Claudia Ibaven. “Since there are a lot of agencies involved, it was taking more time.”

NYC Department of Transportation, the State Department of Transportation, the Parks Department, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority all have to give approval before this project can break ground. But last Thursday, June 6th, Bronx Community Board 6′s transportation committee received a proposed design for the intersection.

Stay tuned for more updates about the expansion of the Bronx Greenwayand Tremont/ Devoe Ave project. For more information read about the proposal at StreetBlog NYC.


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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