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Environmental Concerns Survey!

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The Bronx River Alliance is updating our Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Management Plan with partners in Westchester County and the Bronx to better understand what climate change-related concerns are affecting which areas along the Bronx River corridor and to develop restoration projects to address these issues. We are concerned with community members’ access to the river as well as flooding, air quality, and negative health effects that are being felt as the climate warms and becomes more unstable. We would love for your voice to be heard in this decision making process! If you live near the Bronx River and would like to participate in our survey, please click here. Thank you!


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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