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Fishing Line Receptacles along the Bronx River


Karaugh-Nea is a second year Cadette with Throggs Neck Girl Scout Troop 1096 working on installing
fishing line receptacles to designated fishing spots in the Bronx and Brooklyn for her Silver Award. The
Silver Award is the highest award that a Girl Scout Cadette can earn, and the second highest award of
the Girl Scouts of the USA. Karaugh-Nea began her Silver Award project on June 26th , and has already
installed 6 fishing line receptacles in the Bronx and Brooklyn, 4 of which are in the Bronx River
watershed at Concrete Plant Park, River Park, Hunts Point Riverside Park, and Soundview Park.

She hopes to ensure the sustainability of her project by having members of the community adopt and
maintain the fishing line receptacles. Regarding monofilaments in our waterways, Karaugh-Nea says that
“Monofilament (fishing lines) can take up to 600 years to decompose! Fishing lines are not only
destructive for marine mammals, [but] also destructive to coral reefs…I firmly believe it is our moral
responsibility and duty to leave no trace.” She hopes that members of the community see her fishing
line receptacles and become inspired to take action in their own neighborhoods.

To adopt a fishing line receptacle or learn more about Karaugh-Nea’s project, email volunteer@bronxriver.org with the subject line “Fishing Line Receptacles”.

You can check out Karaugh-Nea’s project on Youtube


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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