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New Leadership at the Bronx River Alliance


Dear Friends, 

​​​​On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bronx River Alliance, I am pleased to share that the Bronx River Alliance, in concert with the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, has named Maggie Scott Greenfield as the Alliance’s next Executive Director and Bronx River Administrator for NYC Parks. Many of you know Maggie, as she has served the Alliance as Deputy Director since 2010 and has worked closely with NYC Parks. Her depth of knowledge and leadership ability make her a great choice to guide the Alliance. Below you will find a link to our public announcement.

This is an exciting moment for the Bronx River Alliance, as we celebrate 15 years of reclaiming the Bronx River as a resource for the communities along it. I want to thank Linda Cox, who has led this effort as Executive Director/Bronx River Administrator since 2002 and will retire on March 2. Over these years, working with more than 100 partner organizations, we have transformed the Bronx River from a degraded and neglected waterway to a source of pride; more than 1,500 people now canoe the river with us every year. The Bronx River Alliance has become recognized as a model of collaborative action for reclaiming urban rivers.

We have every confidence that Maggie Greenfield will continue this tradition of partnership and collaboration. But we must also thank you – our partners and supporters – for contributing to this vision and to the progress we are making. Thank you for all your support and good efforts.

Veronica Vanterpool
Chair, Bronx River Alliance 

For more information, check out the media coverage:


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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