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NYC Parks and the Bronx River Alliance Install the 100,000th Plant Along the Bronx River

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Today, Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa joined Bronx River Administrator and Executive Director of the Bronx River Alliance Linda Cox, the Bronx River Conservation Crew, Apprentices, the Green Applied Projects in Parks (GAPP) Crew, Community Board 12 District Manager George Torres, and 4th graders from the local elementary school P.S. 89 to install the 100,000th plant along the Bronx River at Shoelace Park.

"Thanks to the efforts of the Bronx River Alliance, the Bronx River is cleaner than ever and has become quite the success story of New York City," said Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa. "It gives me great pleasure to know that this beautiful waterway not only provides recreational opportunities for residents and neighbors of the community, but also serves as an educational outlet for the students at our local schools."

The installation of 100,000 plants includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, all of which are important for a healthy river ecosystem. This count began in 2001 with the founding of the Bronx River Alliance, a public-private partnership with NYC Parks.

"There’s no better way to celebrate putting in the 100,000th plant along the river than being out here with these enthusiastic kids," said Linda R. Cox, Bronx River Administrator for NYC Parks and Executive Director of the Bronx River Alliance. "These young people are learning how to take care of our river and are showing us what environmental stewardship means to the next generation."

George Torres, Community Board 12 District Manager added, "green spaces like the Bronx River corridor are so important for our communities. It’s wonderful to see these communities engaged in the actual process of cleaning and greening this important slice of nature that runs through the Bronx."

Since 2001, the Bronx River Alliance and its Conservation Crew have worked to clean and green the Bronx River corridor, restoring native habitat along the 8-mile length of the river in the Bronx. The Crew includes NYC Parks Department employees working alongside employees of the Bronx River Alliance, representing the tremendous public-private partnership that has been behind the remarkable transformation of the river.


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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