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Oyster Monitoring at Soundview Park


The final Oyster Monitoring day of this year was October 15th at Soundview Park with a group of approximately a dozen volunteers lead by NY/NJ Baykeeper. Volnteers donned waders at low tide to access the artifical oyster reef, retrieving three large, plastic containers that make up individual study plots. These sample sections of the oyster bed are brought back to shore where volunteers in three groups: measure each oyster, document its size, note if it’s alive or dead, and identify any growths or attached organisms, such as drill snails. This process was repeated for the individual shells before returning all oysters and shells to their study plot container back to the oyster reef. Oysters are an important species to help improve the water quality in the Bronx River and surrounding waterways. Their beds, or reefs, provide critical habitat and flood protection, reducing erosion in our coastal park. Because they are filter feeders, through the act of eating, one adult oyster can filter 50 gallons of water per day.

"As a first time EcoVolnteer, it was an enjoyable three hours, learning about our local wildlife and restoration efforts among other first time volunteers. Experts like NY/NJ Baykeeper’s Dr. Allie and several biology graduate students were eager to share their knowledge," Lovie Pignata.

Find out how to volunteer in the Bronx River send us an email to volunteer@bronxriver.org. Thank you to NYNJ Baykeeper for continuing their efforts monitoring oysters in the Bronx River and New York City waterways.


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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