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Partnering with Fannie Lou HS and the Verizon Foundation

The Bronx River Alliance Education Program partnered with Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School and the Verizon Foundation Innovative Learning Program in 2017 to support student learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers.

Over the course of a few months students conducted research, worked in teams, and visited the Bronx River at Starlight Park to use the river as an inspiration to create a user-friendly water-quality monitoring data collection app for the use on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets. This project enables student citizen scientists to collect new Bronx River water data throughout the watershed and encourages others to learn more about the history of the river and how humans impact it every day.

To learn more watch the full video here. 


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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