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URGENT! Action needed to save NYC’s plastic bag bill


Every year 9.37 billion plastic bags make their way into the City’s waste stream and into our local rivers and streams, like the Bronx River. The Bronx River Alliance is proud to have supported the City Council’s bill to place a 5¢ fee on plastic bags. Unfortunately, this bill is under threat from being overturned and we need your help. The New York State Senate & Assembly voted this week to nullify NYC’s #BYOBag law.

Will you call the Governor at 1-518-474-8390? Here’s a sample script:

Hello, my name is _______ and my address is _________. I am calling to let Governor Cuomo know that we oppose S. 4158/A. 4883. This bill will prevent NYC’s disposable bag reduction law from going into effect next week. The NYC bag bill is the result of over three years of advocacy efforts and negotiation. I urge the Governor to protect the city’s right to enact local environmental laws and veto S. 4158/A. 4883 when it comes to his desk. Thank you.

If you prefer writing, sign on to a composed message or write your own message to Governor Cuomo to veto S.4158/A.4883.

Why is this important?

According to the NYC Department of Sanitation, nearly 10 billion(!) plastic bags make their way into the City’s waste stream and into our local rivers and streams, like the Bronx River. Last year alone, we removed close to 1000 bags from the river and banks! In other cities across the country and throughout the world, fees and bans on plastic bags have been successful in reducing plastic bag waste by 60-90%. And if that isn’t enough, consider this: it takes 12 million barrels of oil to make enough plastic bags for Americans, for just one year. If you want to help reduce climate change, #BYOBag!

"Now more than ever, we need progressive local climate action to address the burden on low income communities of color and moves us towards Zero Waste" ~Eddie Bautista, Executive Director, The New York City Environmental Justice Alliance


About the Bronx River Alliance

The Bronx River Alliance is a coordinated voice for the river that works in partnership to protect, improve and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, resource for the communities through which it flows.

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