The Bronx River Alliance encourages students to use the river as a learning laboratory. Many exceptional individual and class projects have used the ecological restoration of the river and the development of the Bronx River Greenway as research topics.
Interested in partnering with the Alliance on a research project? Please contact us at 718.430.4665.
View results of past student research projects soon on this web page. To submit student research projects or other relevant student work click here.
DOE Citizen Science Symposium 2017-2018
PS 811x – The Street Litter And, Save The Bronx River
DOE Citizen Science Symposium 2017-2018
IS 227 Louis Armstrong – Pencil Box Recycling System

Rocking The Boat – Environmental Apprentice Program – Pathogens On The Bronx River

Do you have Bronx River related student work to share?! Sent it over along with the name of the school, grade and photo credit to
Looking for a volunteer opportunity for your students and youth?! Join our Bronx River stewards by signing up HERE.