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Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Plan

The Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Management Plan (IWMP) is the result of collaboration between the Bronx River Alliance, the City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group, New York State Department of State and the Westchester County Department of Planning, along with more than 100 stakeholders engaged in planning efforts and resource management throughout the watershed. These partners formed the Bronx River Watershed Coalition (the Coalition) in 2006 to work together towards the broad goals of improving water quality, protecting and improving aquatic and riparian habitat and riparian and ecosystem services, biodiversity and ecological values, and reducing overall environmental stress to the river system.

The intention of this Plan is to:

1. Affirm a shared vision for watershed management integrating the objectives and priorities identified across the Bronx and Westchester Counties, and;

2. Encourage a unified approach to watershed management for all municipalities, organizations, businesses and residents within the Bronx River watershed.

Additional Information

Plan Appendices | Climate Resilience Strategy | Public Meeting Resources | Virtual Press Event Recording | Press Release